Bible Software for Studying God's Word

It's all FREE!!!

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Online Bible Reading

Take the time needed to Read God's Word

Click on the link below:


Date Night Resources - Your Best Night In 

Spiritual Gift Tests

We have all been blessed with a spiritual gift that we are to use them within the body of Christ. below you will find some tools that will help you discover your giftedness. What are you waiting for – find out today!

Click on the two BOLD print below and you will be taken to a website where you can take a quick test and discover how God designed you to serve in the body of Christ.

S – Spiritual gifts  (Click here)
H– Heart, Passion
A – Abilities, Natural Talents
P– Personalities, Introvert, Extrovert
E- Experience, Things you have lived through in your life.

The Northwest Baptist Convention publishes the Witness. This will give you an idea of what Southern Baptists are doing around the Pacific Northwest. There are well over 500 Churches. Here is a sampling of what these Churches are doing. Enjoy! Click on the link below:


Free Online Seminary Classes
Never Stop Learning
Bill Vinson, PhD, former director of the Undergraduate and Lay Theological Studies Department at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has dedicated the rest of his life to providing free theological education in bivocational ministry and church leadership to everybody who wants it.He has converted ten of the undergraduate courses that he taught at SWBTS into Internet courses for developing bivocational and lay leaders for our churches. The courses bring down-to-earth creative relevance to participants because the class dialogs that occurred between the students and professor have been preserved in the courses. Every Christian minister who has not graduated from seminary should have the opportunity to dive into these rich and rewarding studies. And . . . they cost nothing!

Please check them out at

There is a self-enrolling apparatus built into the courses. Just go to and click on free courses, click on the course(s) that you want, and enroll yourself. If you have any trouble, just send me an email to with email address, preferred user name, and password you would like, and I will gladly enroll you manually.

You can also go to for free discipleship books and Internet coursesFree 

Young Earth Creationism:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”                (Genesis 1:1)


SLBC believes that God created the earth in 6 literal days (not millions of years), and that our work week is based on Genesis 1-2. Below you will find some websites where you can read hundreds of articles that have been developed by Christian Scientists. Trust that God will lead you to believe that an All-Powerful God can and did create the earth in 6 days!

Click on the logos and you’ll be on your way:



As a church, we will not compromise the Gospel, and we will not cave into the pressure of society seeking to conform us to its image. We were CREATED by God, and everything around us was created by the Word of His mouth (Colossians 1:15. Our God spoke the world into existence – it all starts in Genesis 1, and concludes in Revelation 22. 

All Scripture is God-breathed. (II Tim. 3:16)

Contenders Discipleship Initiative

Why not train people within your church to serve within your church, and to be ready to serve the Lord wherever they are placed? Now you can with Free Tuition Bible School Training.

 Click on the Logo below:


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