Sunday school classes:
Sunday school -
Ages: Pre-school to 6th Grade
When: 9:50 A.M.
Sower’s Fellowship Hall
Curriculum - All is One
We are presently seeking additional volunteers to work with our children. Everyone is required to have a background check.
Children's Church
We offer a Children’s church at the 11:00 am service. Parents are asked to check their children in at the beginning of each service and to check them out at the end of the respective service. Safety is of utmost importance to all of our children/teen ministries. Your child is released to only those people that are on your approved checkout card.
Our team of leaders has the desire to impart biblical truth into their lives. They teach through the methods of puppets, songs, flannel graphs, and other creative and eye-captivating ways. Their love for your kids will become very obvious. They make sure that your child loves CHURCH, and that when they become old enough to sit in adult church, they will desire to. Little People's Church is available for ages 4 through 10 years old.
Vacation Bible School
Each year we host a daily Vacation Bible School. We have been using Answers in Genesis material for the past few years. Our director works diligently to ensure that your children learn about God and His word.
AWANA - Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
Directors: Christian & Erin Starr
Phone: 1-509-953-0171 (Have questions? Call) or email:
You might be asking, "What is Awana?" Awana is a non-denominational, international, Bible-centered youth organization. For 60 years, Awana has been a leader in children's ministry, helping churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love, and serve Christ. Awana provides fully integrated evangelism and discipleship programs.
Each weekly meeting includes Game Time, where students compete around the unique Awana game circle; Handbook Time, during which students work from their handbooks while interacting individually with their leaders; and Council Time, during which a Bible message is presented.
We offer the Awana Trek program (for 7th & 8th graders) and Awana Journey for grades 9 through 12. If you would like to sign up online, you will find the Awana Registration Form below. The cost is $30.00 for the first clubber for the year and $25.00 for each additional clubber for the year. This includes your book and T-shirt. Our Trek and Journey clubs will meet on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. (the same time as our children's program). We are still encouraging our Trek and Journey students to come and be a part of our Wednesday evening youth ministry. See you soon.
Our SLBC Awana Club ministry starts on September 8, 2022, and runs through May 4, 2023. The club is held on Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm through 8:10 pm. We offer Cubbies for our 3 and 4-year-olds; Sparks for our K - 2nd-grade students; and T & T (Truth & Training) for our 3rd through 6th-grade students; Trek for our 7th & 8th grade Junior Higher's; Journey for 9th through 12 grades. Puggles (nursery) will be offered for our Awana workers. For the safety of our children, a background check is required for all adults 18 and over who will be working with our precious students.