Welcome to our Adult Ministry Page
Our desire is to keep you informed as to what is happening with our adult ministry. We believe that God’s people do better when they are involved with other believers, and therefore we seek to provide opportunities for YOU to get plugged in with other Christ followers. Below are some of the places where you can get connected. Come and check them out.
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Classes 9:45 A.M.
We have two adults Sunday school classes at the present. One is taught by our Pastor, and we are studying James: Living Out Your Faith. We meet in the Friendship center. The other adult class is the marriage class led by Jeff and Carla Floyd, Love Like You Mean It. They gather in the church sanctuary. Come and join us. We would be delighted to meet you.
Men’s Ministries:
Men's Bible Study: We meet on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Friendship Center. Please contact Michael Taylor (mtwheelbarrow@hotmail.com) for additional information.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast: On the First Saturday of each month, our men's fellowship breakfast (sons are welcome) is held downstairs in the fellowship hall at 8:00 am. Each month there is a guest speaker, a time of good fellowship, and lots of great food. You are invited, so please mark your calendars for the first Saturday of the month. If you have any questions, you can contact Michael Taylor at mtwheelbarrow@hotmailcom.
Women's Ministries
Ladies Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the Friendship Center. We start on September 14th. Our study is: Discerning the Voice of God. Childcare is provided. Our Bible studies run from September through April. This is a great way to learn about the Bible and meet new people. Come join us.